Drdo recruitment 2022 | drdo mts jobs
drdo jobs
job role : mts
qualification : 10th class
selection process : tier 1, tier 2
examination centers : vijayawada, vishakapatnam, hyderabad
salary : 25,000
age : 18 – 25
job location : vishakapatnam, hyderabad
English Language: Spot the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms/
Homonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting mis-spelt words, Idioms &
Phrases, One word substitution, Improvement of Sentences, Active/ Passive
Voice of Verbs, Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration, Shuffling of
Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage,
Comprehension Passage
General Intelligence: It would include questions of both verbal and
nonverbal type. The test will include questions on Semantic Analogy,
Symbolic operations, Symbolic/ Number Analogy, Trends, Figural Analogy,
Space Orientation, Semantic Classification, Venn Diagrams, Symbolic/
Number Classification, Drawing inferences, Figural Classification, Punched
hole/ pattern-folding & unfolding, Semantic Series, Figural Pattern-folding
and completion, Number Series, Embedded figures, Figural Series, Critical
Thinking, Problem Solving, Emotional Intelligence, Word Building, Social
Intelligence, Coding and de-coding, Numerical operations, Other sub-topics,
if any .
ier-II Paper will be a descriptive Paper of 100 Marks in ‘Pen and Paper’ Mode.
The duration of the Descriptive Paper will be for one hour (20 minutes
compensatory time will also be provided to the candidates eligible for scribe as
per Para 8.1 and 8.2 above). The Paper will comprise of writing Essay/ Letter/
Application/ Precis etc
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